Who We Are

Turning Point Harvest Center began in 1985 as a street ministry called Setting Captives Free.  Although we were able to reach many people through our street ministry, we saw a great need in the neighborhood for home study groups.

The ministry grew out of those meetings until it became necessary to secure a place of refuge.  We sensed a need to minister to the total man.  At this point we started a food pantry/clothing/furniture distribution in the Full Counsel Christian Fellowship basement.  As the needs of the people increased,  the vision enlarged. 


In 1986 we secured our first building located at 1603 N. Main Street in North Little Rock, AR.  In 1987 we became incorporated and applied for our 501(c)3 to be able to better serve the people.  After three years we out-grew this location and moved into the old Pine Elementary School.  Diversities of services were rendered such as tutoring services (through UALR), recreation with the North Little Rock Housing Project, job training and referral, and support groups.  After these programs were in place, it was heart-breaking to see clients return to the same infested environment.  We believed God for a "House of Refuge".  Our first shelter was founded-located in North Little Rock, which housed four ladies.  An apartment complex was secured for single mothers as well.


Turning Point Ministries does in home care for elderly and people living with AIDS, along with parenting classes through support groups and projects.  In 1997 Turning Point Harvest Center began networking with other local shelters and annually hosted Mother/Daughter Banquet. We partner with our home church  (Full Counsel Christian Fellowship) as well as other ministries and nonprofit organizations.


Our vision is to continue to set up sub-stations with the above services.  We are in Arkansas  County where God has blessed us with our new edifice and headquarters located at 405-A East Michigan Ave. 


We have mission outreach programs that include the above services in addition to conducting Christian Counseling, Foster Care/Adoption and a Youth Ranch.  We house the homeless as well assist in preventing homelessness through utility assistance services when funds allow. Our church has stemmed from these outreach programs, where we believe we will be able to service a greater number of clients.


Our Beliefs
